The first choice of savvy gardeners for amazingly lush plant growth and rich soil…

Millions of years ago prehistoric plants and animals were laid down in the ecological cycle of life. This was a time before the land that makes up Florida existed, a time before even the rise of the Pocono’s or the Great Smoky Mountains: A time, long, long ago when forests covered the equatorial regions of a land known as Pangea.

This moist tropical climate produced lush plant growth which included fern-like but seed-bearing Pteridosperms, huge green-stemmed Lepidodendrale lycopods, giant sphenopsid Calamites, and the strap-leaved mangrove-rooted Cordaitales. So vigorous was the growth of these ancient trees that they seemed to have sucked much of the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, producing an abundance of oxygen. There is evidence that oxygen levels were higher during this time than at any other time in the history of the Earth.

The plants, which made up these ancient forests eventually, became massive Coal Deposits (hence the name Carboniferous or “coal bearing”). Buried thousands of feet deep by silt and converted to carbon by being exposed to millions of years of bacterial activity, heat, and tremendous pressures, some of these deposits produced diamonds. Others were pushed to the surface during the ice ages and became what is known as ‘Leonardite’ Shale.

Beneath the ancient lands of the Anasazi in New Mexico, an extraordinary Leonardite deposit was formed. It contains the riches of natural organic matter, composted for millennia and freely available to growing plants. This deposit is carefully mined and natural compounds called ‘Humates’ are extracted. Soluble Humates (of the humic and fulvic acids family) contain a myriad of natural plant growth promoting compounds plus nutrient enhancing ingredients. Combined with a conventional nutrition program of applied chemical or organic fertilizers, Humic activator supplements lead to: earlier harvests, significantly higher yields, plus healthier disease resistant plants and enhanced qualities of flavor, fragrance, and essential oils.

There are many sources of Leonardite throughout the world, and numerous studies have proven the value that humic substances can bring to plants. However, the quality and purity of sources vary greatly. Some manufacturers even use non-Leonardite sources such as wood extractions to produce products that they claim contain Humic and Fulvic acids. These products are not the same as the rich extractions that can only be derived from carefully selected deposits of Leonardite.

“Humic acids (HAs) are remarkable brown to black products of soil chemistry that are essential for healthy and productive soils. Current humic acid models help to explain HAs’ origins and behavior as flexible, aliphatic-aromatic, highly functionalized molecules that can act as photosensitizers, retain water, bind to clays, act as plant growth stimulants, and scavenge toxic pollutants. No synthetic material can match humic acid’s physical and chemical versatility. Removal of humic acids from water avoids disinfection by-products such as chloroform and is a required step in production of potable water. Humic acids can bind soil toxins along with plant nutrients and they strongly stabilize soils. For these reasons more widespread HA production from composting and future applications of humic acids extracted from coal will help to combat water and soil pollution, fight soil erosion, and lessen our dependence on chemical fertilizers.”

—- Journal of Chemical Education

What does all this mean? It means that you can cut your fertilizer, insecticide, herbicide and water use in half or more with the regular use of humic activators. Humic activators contain vital Humates and 7 trace elements required for plant growth. What this means for your plants:

  • Humates are bio-stimulants – almost anything that grows will benefit from application of humates.
  • Humates stimulate seed germination and viability, and root respiration, formation and growth.
  • Humates produce thicker, greener, and healthier foliage.
  • Humates produce more, larger, longer lasting, and more beautiful flowers.
  • Humates increase the protein, vitamin, and mineral contents of most fruits and vegetables.
  • Humates supply growing plants with food. They also act in other important ways to make soil more fertile and productive.
  • Humates help retain water-soluble inorganic fertilizers in sandy soils releasing them as needed to the growing plants.
  • Humates increase the water holding capacity of sand helping plants to resist droughts and reduced water conditions.
  • Humates reduce fertilizer requirements and increase yields in most crops.
  • Humates increase aeration of the soil.

Source (“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”):  GREAT BIG PLANTS, LLC ANCIENT LIQUID HUMATE